Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Two Weeks In

Everyday is a puzzle waiting to be solved.

I am almost halfway through summer school as a Sign Language Interpreter in a behavior classroom. This class is special, and when I say special I mean super cool in so many ways. I get the privilege of spending time with students who have been placed on our campus because of behavioral problems

... and we (our team) love it.

We work towards positive behavior. We use books, toys, crafts, and my favorite, music.

If one thing doesn't work, we move on to something different. It is a constant activity of reintroducing things that haven't worked in the past, hoping it might work a 2nd, 3rd, or even 4th time around.

We reinforce, with stickers, candy, or something the student really enjoys. (maybe I'll enjoy it too ;)

I've learned while working in the special education field, that a constant desire to have courage and try new things is important. Staying positive is even more important. Just because we might not be successful at one thing- at least we know we made the effort.

I strive to make the impossible, possible! It's our motto, our dream, and the reason I show up for work each day.

Happy Hump day!

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