Friday, September 16, 2011

Pottery Barn Knockoff! Again!

I promised ya'll that I would share my, ever so cool, stolen idea from Pottery Barn with the mercury glass pumpkins. I cant help but try and copy them. They have the best designers, so why wouldn't I? After flipping through the September and fall magazines, I found the design I wanted to do for my dining room table.

Here is the expensive Pottery Barn version... uh yeah, beautiful!

Here is my version!

- One small bag of raffia 

- Five ivory candles. I just used what I had around the house. It's more creative if they aren't all the same.

- Clear glass blocks. I used these to elevate pumpkins and create levels. You can also use books. Just take off the paper cover, they add a nice touch. 

- Ten pumpkins. All shapes and sizes. It's not necessary to have this many.

-Variety of candle stick holders.

As you can see, I did not paint every single pumpkin. I did that on purpose. I felt like, if all the pumpkins were in silver/mercury it would be too much.

The candle stick holders were in various places around my house. I decided to pull them for the season and incorporate them into the centerpiece. I wish I had a giant hurricane for the center but I don't, so I just used what I had. 

There you have it folks! I'm lovin' the mercury glass idea. Definitely will be trying it on a few other projects... possibly for Christmas :)

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